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GREAT Podcast!
One of the best podcasts available. Love everything about it. Very engaging.
Missing Minnesota woman
Nicole Anderson , missing from Randolph Minnesota! She was walking to her mailbox and never returned!
Great podcast
Please look into the these cases Ashley Heavyrunner Kimberly Bearclaw Iron Mary Katherine Miller Sage Smith Susan Smalley Stacie Madison
Love this podcast .
U do a great job. Ignore the haters .
LOVE this podcast!!
Excellent selection of recent disappearances. The host is awesome and I love that she focuses on recent disappearances and is so respectful with no banter. I look forward to this podcast every week!
You know whats lit?
When zionists go missing >>> … did you know that the whole idea of “planting trees” in the settler colony of “Israel” is to eventually take more and more Palestinian land. These shows are made by white women mostly so I don’t expect the narrator to do proper research but Judaism is no synonymous with zionism, Israel and the IOF.
Cases You May of Never Heard About
Love that this podcasts covers some not so popular cases. The narrator has some growth to do in terms of story telling and editing needs to edit her mistakes. I am going to keep listening because I know it’s going to get better and better. Narrator talk to us like we are your friends not like you’re reading us a story.
No politics please
Recently started listening! The storyline was fine. But please—-no political commercials. It is difficult enough to hear them from other sources all the time. Podcasts are entertainment and relaxation. Brief chance to get away from reality!
Stay tuned
Voice is monotonous and uninspiring. Redundant to fill up time - uses anecdotal information and relatively few facts.
Great stories!!
So glad I happened upon this podcast. Love the stories. Narration is very scripted but she’s thorough and speaks clearly so that makes it easier to listen to. Really enjoying binging these episodes!!
Reviewers esp finderss
You guys need a reality check! It’s a lot of info that needs to be 100 percent factual. They do the work, the research and the writing so reading what they’ve written doesn’t bother me. But I’m reasonsble, logical and understanding. Did y’all do half hour or longer speeches in college 1 to 2 times a week totally just from memory? Of course not. Get off these hosts backs. We do zero work and just listen so I’m thankful. Y’all sound entitled and rather ignorant.
Wish it had more flow with narrating -
I personally would enjoy this podcast much more if recordings were more naturally read instead of seemingly fully scripted and sometimes poorly read, or not having a “flow”. The loud music in the background is also a little distracting. Good stories overall.
Good podcast but
While I believe the podcast is good, why add audio that is hard to understand or hear!!! Please just tell the listener what was said.
Thank you
I’ve always been interested in missing person stories since I was a young girl and learned of my great grandfather disappearance 30 years earlier. Thank you for all that you do I enjoy your show and the factual information you give.
Awesome podcast, great work!
I just found this podcast today and I’m SO glad. The host does stellar work researching these lesser-known cases and bringing them to a wider public. I have never heard of any of these cases! I know there are SO MANY missing persons across the US, so it’s incredible to see someone doing the hard work of bringing awareness to cases that need attention.
Solid podcast about the missing
This is one of my go-to true crime podcasts for binging. I like podcasts that are to the point, not too chatty. Short, standalone episodes that are well researched. This one fits the bill. Some have commented on the host’s odd cadence of speech — I agree that it is unusual, but after getting used to it, I don’t find it distracting or offputting. Everything is very clear.
I love this podcast! I enjoy listening so much. Love the format, new and old cases, her voice, etc. Thank you!
Great Podcast!
Very good podcast. The host has a great voice and presents each case thoroughly and fairly. I’ve read many of the posted reviews and it seems some have picked apart the host needlessly. Stay true to yourself and carry on as you have. Your presentation and your voice is what keeps bringing us back!
Thank you
I’ve always been interested in missing person stories since I was a young girl and learned of my great grandfather disappearance 30 years earlier. Thank you for all that you do I enjoy your show and the factual information you give.
Very good!
I really like the format of this podcast. Host is excellent, I really like listening. Sometimes I think I’am obsessed with the missing.
Love the show!!
Its a great podcast, binge worthy in fact. I found it looking for something to binge over the holidays. This ones a winner. She does a great job!!
Great podcast!
Love your podcast- have been a listener for a while now. Also wanted to say it was YOUR ad/promo for Spotify for Podcasters that have me that final push I needed to do it myself! Keep up the good work!
Thank you
Out of all “crime” tv shows and podcasts I always gravitate to the missing. Thank you for bringing to light cases that have had little to no National coverage. Looking forward to more.
Thank you for sharing under-reported cases
I’m surprised I didn’t find this podcast sooner. She has a nice voice and doesn’t go on about her own life, extra chit chat, etc
Ayla Reynolds
This is such a sad case! Thank you for bringing awareness to Ayla Reynolds and for donating funds to her justice fund! Much respect for this podcast
Love this podcast
I love that the host covers stories that are not well known. She is bringing awareness to stories that would not normally get any attention. Love the stories, the host’s voice is very comforting and not boring as in some I listen to.
Judith Chartier recovered.
Just found your podcast after searching Judith Chatiers case since she was just found in her car in the concord river. Your the only podcast to cover her and you did a great job. I’m glad that she has been recovered. And looking forward to catching up on your other episodes.
Great podcast. Very informative. Great host.
Just found this podcast. I’m a major true crime junkie but missing people are close to my heart. I’ve listened to every true crime podcast out there. This podcast is right up with the best. Thank you for your hard research and the time you take to do this podcast. Much love to you 💜💙💜
Great Pod
Excellent Podcast! Very well produced!!
Ugh, missing person cases... So fascinating, but so scary! Are they alive or dead, do we continue to look, and if so, when do we stop? Great podcast about an intense topic!